05 Oct
Find out the latest news of October!
Among the news of October, the latest version of Einar, the ARH ANPR camera for parking access control.
Einar now supports ANPR Cloud, our cloud-based license plate recognition software solution. Besides, Einar now handles cut-out images of number plates, making the manual review a lot easier.
Our video stream-based plate recognition solution, Carmen® GO, now features:
- user authentication for more data privacy;
- adjustable event duplication timeout, meaning you can set the time interval the software considers for duplicate events;
- plate finder trigger for maximized detection rate;
- independent plate colors (font, background, dedicated area colors) returned in the events.
URL: https://adaptiverecognition.com/products/einar-anpr-camera/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_id=newsletter092021