• Building Security Continuity


Access control reader


HID Signo™ is the benchmark line of access control readers from HID Global. The versatility, performance and connectivity of HID Signo readers set a new industry benchmark for the most highly adaptable, interoperable and secure approach to electronic access control.
Offering an unparalleled breadth of functionality, HID Signo provides installers and security system administrators with a simple and effective approach to securing access control in almost any scenario.
With support for the widest range of credentialing technologies-past, present and future-HID Signo is the perfect choice for those wishing to upgrade to secure authentication technology.
HID Signo readers transcend the traditional approach to security by being designed to be remotely connected and managed without the need to physically touch each device. This functionality allows access control systems to respond dynamically as new needs, configurations or threats arise.

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