RLS-2020S Outdoor/ Indoor LiDAR
RLS-2020S Outdoor/ Indoor LiDAR
Redscan RLS-2020I
Redscan Pro RLS-3060V
The main brands distributed for intrusion detection solutions are Euklis, Inim and Optex.
Specifically, Euklis' FaRe Hybrid platform uses existing video surveillance cameras to monitor different scenarios such as perimeter control, without using thermal cameras but by implementing the use of artificial intelligence engines. In this way, it is possible to detect the presence of different entities, (people, vehicles or objects) and consequently classify them, i.e. recognise specific attributes such as the colour and type of the vehicle, the colour of the person's clothing and so on. Having detected the presence of a specific entity, the system can send a warning message without triggering false alarms.
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