• Building Security Continuity



SAFR is a highly accurate artificial intelligence-based face recognition algorithm optimized in performance in live video. SAFR''s architecture is scalable, high-performance, and fast-processing so that it instantly detects and verifies millions of faces in near-real time, even under challenging conditions where faces are moving, at different angles, in low light, or partially obscured. SAFR can be deployed on a single computer to monitor a limited number of IP cameras or scaled to thousands of cameras with a distributed architecture, installed on premises or with a hybrid cloud.
The SAFR SCAN biometrics access reader is the first software-hardware solution with deployment on-premises or on the clouds from RealNetworks, leveraging the company’s 27-year heritage of IT and software innovations. An aggressively priced solution, SAFR SCAN delivers the best combination of facial recognition, computer vision and image capture technologies to meet an extremely broad range of mainstream access control and workforce management applications without compromise.

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